Billy Batware is a Project Officer at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) responsible for transnational organized crime projects. He is the Founder of several international initiatives, among them the United for Education and Sustainable Futures (UESF) whose flagship project is Youth Education Ambassadors (YEA), the Regional Academy on the United Nations (RAUN), and the International Security and Conflict Analysis Network (iSCAN) whole flagship project is ‘Solve’ (Solution Oriented. Localized. Verified. Empowering). Billy is also a visiting lecturer of international conflicts and development, and a certified trainer in international security. Billy has a BA in Diplomatic Studies and an MA in International Security Studies. He is currently pursuing his PhD research with a focus on institutional cooperation of the United Nations agencies. In his spare time, Billy works to educate and empower young people and advocates for better human rights, equitable development, and awareness about sustainable development.