FAQs de Prácticas profesionales

We answer all your questions about your potential internship at the #WYAcademy

¿Por qué hacer una práctica/voluntariado en la WYAcademy?

Doing an online internship with the WYAcademy helps students to gain experience in a range of topics and a very divers working environment. Through our programs, you will build valuable connections that help you to learn about job opportunities for young professionals.


¿Qué necesito?

Since the WYAcademy’s internships are online, you only need a computer, a high dose of accountability, and share the values of the WYAcademy.

¿Esto es un trabajo real?

The internship with the WYAcademy requires responsibility, abilities, accountability and your “best” to deliver within the assigned tasks. However, due to its nature, the internship is not acting as an employer. Instead, the WYAcademy’s mission is to be a platform for giving first-hand experience to young people who want to take up responsibilities and exchange they learning with other students and young professionals. 

¿Puedo validar mi prácticas profesionales para mi universidad?

Yes, depending on the specific requirements of your university, the internship with the WYAcademy can be validated by your university. 
Once you are accepted as an intern, you can send the documents from your university to be filled in by the WYAcademy or your university can contact us directly.  


¿Son prácticas/voluntariado con pago?

Since the WYAcademy is a self-financed, non-profit organization, the WYAcademy has no funds to pay allowances or salaries to their interns. 

Since the beginning, the organization has been founded by Ram Murguia, and his financial contributions have allowed the organization to pay its obligations. 

¿Recibo un certificado o constancia por mi voluntariado/práctica?

You will get a certificate of completion at the end of your successful internship. The certificate will detail your responsibilities and duties that you had during the internship.

¿Cuánto tiempo tengo que trabajar?

The minimum time allotment for an internship with the WYAcademy is 15 hours per week. The Academy is flexible in the assignments for its staff, as long as deadlines are respected and the agreed quality standards is maintained.

¿Hay una edad límite para las prácticas/voluntariados?

The age limit for internships with the WYAcademy is 18 years. Also, interns should not be older than 29 years, but exceptions can be made.

¿Mis estudios deben ser relacionados a la posición de la práctica/voluntariado?

There is no need to exactly reflect your study topics during the internship. Some former WYAcademy interns and staff members have studied international relations or international security. But it is more important for the WYAcademy what your interests are and make sure that your assigned tasks match these interests.

¿Debo tener mi universidad o maestría terminada para hacer una práctica?

For the internship, it does not matter if you are still pursuing your studies or if you have already graduated.

¿Debo ir a Viena para hacer la práctica/voluntariado?

Since the internship is online, there is no requirement to move to Vienna. However, if you plan to do so, be informed that the Austrian Labor Ministry does not consider and internship a valid reason to apply for a working visa.

¿Cuánto tiempo dura la práctica/voluntariado?

The minimum length for an internship with the WYAcademy is six months, however a duration of 12 month is preferred.

¿Mi nacionalidad o residencia son relevantes?

All nationalities are very much welcome. Besides, and since the WYAcademy’s staff members and experts are located in different time zones around the globe, it does not matter in which country you are located during the internship either.

¿Puedo compartir mi nueva posición en mis redes sociales?

We love that! You can share your new position everywhere.

We encourage you to do it specially on LinkedIn.

¿Mi preferencia sexual o género son relevantes?

We welcome diversity and promote it in all its ways. The WYAcademy is an inclusive institution that promotes respect and fights against sexism, racisms, and other biases.


¿Qué idiomas debo hablar?

Our WYAcademy Team is multidisciplinary, multicultural, energetic and creative by nature; we are unique by our very DNA. We are full of ideas and always searching for new opportunities to challenge ourselves and the students of our programs in order to help them realize their talents and reach their fullest potential.


To build bridges of opportunity between the every continent to better education, knowledge and technology.


To achieve a global impact in providing effective programs in four fields: International Security, Social Innovation, Education and Entrepreneurship.



La actitud correcta es tan valorada como tener las mejores y más altos conocimientos.


Queremos personas quienes realmente quieren sobresalir e impactar.


Toda persona puede unirse a nosotros, pero queremos a aquellos quienes se comprometas a nuestra causa.

Desarrollo de Negocios

Esta área es en realidad quisiéramos tenerte impactando dentro de la WYAcademy.​​

Oportunidad de empleo

Somos una organización orientada a los resultados, por lo tanto, tu podrías construir tu trabajo ideal.

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